Over the Easter weekend, members of Girlguiding Dundee headed across the water by various means to take part in the Girlguiding Scotland "Dart to Dublin" event.
Guides and leaders from 80th Dundee and 1st Monifieth Guide units took the ferry, while two Rangers from Riverside Rangers and four of our volunteers flew from Edinburgh airport. The Rangers joined a group made up of Guides and Rangers from Girlguiding Tay & Ochils and Girlguiding Forth Valley. And volunteers Beth, Sine, Niamh and Beatrix were all part of the team running the event.
Dart to Dublin was a wide game involving challenges and activities spread around the city, ending up with a silent disco on St Stephen's Green.
There was also time for sightseeing, including the very popular Dublin zoo, the Viking duck boat and Dublin castle.
Ranger Caitlin said "Dart to Dublin was amazing and enabled me to meet new people and feel like being a part of the wider Girlguiding community. It was great to learn more about Dublin as a city and experience the culture as part of the event and it was always nice to see a friendly face from Girlguiding along the way. Dart to Dublin allowed us to work as a team and take initiative when trying to complete the fun and inventive tasks. All in all it was a great weekend to a new place and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity."
Beth volunteered for the event team at Dart to Dublin as a first step for her Queen's Guide Award, she said "it was an amazing experience and a great first international."
Lizzie who is also a Riverside Ranger added "I thought it was very exciting and fun meeting new people and being able to be myself around them was great. International trips are very busy with lots of fun activities including sight seeing. Being part of such a large event was a brilliant experience and felt like we’d all taken over the whole of Dublin! I was very lucky to go on an international trip and I loved every minute of it. I’m looking forward for the next one. I’m going to stay in touch with the new friends I made."
And exciting part of the finale was Zoe's presentation of her Leadership Qualification.
The photos below show just some of the fun time had by all!